I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you all to my beautiful children at Idea and Ideology school in the heart of Accra! Look into their eyes - these are the faces of the nation! I feel truly blessed to be a part of these children's lives!!
RAYMOND is 7 years old and loves Ghana! He draws flags every day. He loves to play games, eat chicken fried rice, and he wants to be a soccer player when he grows up! He also loves to dance like "Mickey J" (Ghanaian term for Michael Jackson!! Absolutely priceless!
SARAH is 8 years old and aspires to be a teacher when she grows up. Her favorite meal is fufu (powdered yam) and light soup, and she loves music!
STEVIE is 5 years old and he loves to color! His favorite story is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? He loves to play ball and eat fried rice!
NICHOLAS is 7 years old and loves to eat fufu (powdered yam) and light soup! He loves to play ball and wants to be a goal keeper when he grows up!
PRINCE MENSAH is 5 years old and loves to eat waatse (beans and rice). He loves to play ball and wants to be a doctor when he grows up! His nickname is "Shadrock"!
LAWRENCE is 6 years old and loves to play ball. He loves to read books and play music! His nickname is "Obolo"!
ERIC is 4 years old and loves to follow "teacha Heatha" around all day! His favorite meal is waatse (beans and rice), and he loves to play games! His nickname is "Kujo"!
JUNIOR is 3 years old and loves to tease "teacha Heatha". He likes to play hide and seek, color, and be michevious!! Little spark-plug!! He will eat just about anything!
PEACE is 4 years old and loves music! She likes to wear dresses and fancy shoes! She loves to play "mom" to all the children!!
BISMARK is 4 years old and loves to smile! You will never see him without one! He loves to play blocks, color and brag about his "big muscles"!! Quite the showman!!
DAVID is 5 years old and loves to read books! His favorite story is Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? He loves to play ball, and his favorite meal is fried rice!!
FORGIVE is 3 years old and adores coming to school! She loves to play blocks, color, and read stories! She's a tiny little thing, with a huge smile and a beautiful spirit!!
SERIYUM is 4 years old and has undergone a huge transformation! Before November, he wouldn't speak, and now I can't keep up to him!! He loves to play blocks, read stories, and play soccer! Little character!!
I hope you have enjoyed!! These little characters have become an integral part of my life here in Ghana! I will miss them deeply come the end of December!! I will have to visit often!!
Take Care! Love You All!