Well, I'm home and freezing to death! Leaving Accra was emotional for me, especially leaving behind Prosper. But he will be joining us by the end of May I hope! It was a balmy 35 degrees when I departed the beautiful land of red clay, and the moment we hit Frankfurt I developed a stuffy chest and a runny nose. I just about boarded another plane back to Accra.
I wasn't even all the way home before missing everyone. Africa has made such an impact on my life in the short 8 months I was there. I have made so many friends in Ghana, and I desperately miss my little kids. It was very emotional saying goodbye to Kofi. Being the longest serving volunteer at the school and developing such a wonderful relationship with him and his family, it was difficult for both of us to see me off. But I will for sure be returning in the new future!
I am thrilled to inform all my friends and family that the new school is complete and looking spectacular. It's a strong structure that will last for many years to come, and the children are very excited to learn in their new classroom! Already, there have been many new students who have enrolled in the school from around the community, and Kofi has said it's due to the new school.
Kofi and Kadio. Kadio is a Liberian friend from Buduburam Camp!
Here are a few pictures of Prosper and me at Keta beach!
My farewell at Buduburam Refugee Camp. A very emotional event. I was crying like a baby!
I'll keep posting!
Love Heather