I hope this message finds everyone well! It has been a trying week posting photos from my weekend trip. But I have finally been able to add them to my blog, so I hope you enjoy!
My friend Prosper and I met up in his home town of Keta, on the Eastern coastline not far from the boarder of neighbouring Togo. I made the two hour tro-tro ride into Keta after school on Thursday and met up with Prosper at 6:00 in the evening. As I meet him at the station, he tells me I have to meet some of his buddies, and that the plan is to go to Mom’s for dinner. We went and hung out with his friends, me having my Coke and Prosper having his STAR (Ghanaian beer!). His close friend is a teacher, so I had an awesome chat with him! We then headed to his old stomping grounds to visit his mother. Now you have to understand, on the coastline, everything is fish, fish, fish! I have had many difficult moments contemplating whether or not to try it, and up until Thursday night, I have always decided no. We proceed to wash our right hand and dig into our meal. (In Ghana, you only ever use your right hand to eat, never your left!) I was so reluctant at first; I mean the bloody fish still had the eyes in them. Just little suckers! So after spiting up nothing but bones, Prosper, being the gentleman he is, helps to tear the fish up for me. I grit my teeth and hammer on! I am quite pleased with myself actually. I didn`t gag once!
After our enlightening dinner, we headed to his Uncles house where we spent the night. What an absolute beautiful spot on the sea! The house was a stone`s throw from the ocean and you could hear the massive waves before even setting your eyes on the water. Keta at one point years back was washed away and the entire city became a ghost town. It now holds one of the largest markets in the region. One of the most beautiful sights I have seen thus far!
Unfortunately, we did not get an opportunity to head north and see some of the devastating flood areas in the region. We would have had to travel north about two hours to see some of the worst hit places. We are talking about a path of destruction that has wiped out every single structure in some areas and has killed hundreds of people. The threat now is the development of water-borne diseases such as cholera in the water. A horrific natural disaster that so many Sub-Saharan countries are facing here in Africa. If we return to Keta in the upcoming weeks, I hope to visit these regions and check out some of the devastation first hand.
You will notice the large chunks of rock that line the coast. They are there to prevent the town from being washed away, and these massive rocks line the coast for miles. They go down some 30 feet into the ground. The photo with the tops of our heads cut off was taken by a man who had never seen a camera before – he is pictured with Prosper. So many cool people in Keta, and they have such a laid back mentality that was a welcomed change from the hustle and bustle of Accra! I will return again soon!
I still have many photos to share with you – photos that will help you gain a better understanding of the hustle and bustle I was just mentioning. I will post those photos of Accra soon! And I have a precious blog entry to add of the children playing in my house! You will love it!
By for Now! Take Care!
Love Heather
Teacha Heatha?????
Ahum, Ahum!!!! Are all the men there this cute??? You better be behaving yourself, you lucky shit!!! Very beautiful in boys and scenery!!!! You are looking great, looking relaxed...Now, I can actually believe you are there...thank you, thank you!!!
Aunt J.
Hi there Teacha Heatha,,hee hee. I am jealous to cause those guys are gooooooooooooooood loooooooking. When you get back you can fill us in on all the details if you get my drift..haha
Love ya Char
hi Heather, well it is sure nice to see you. I can hear those waves that you are talking about, I love the ocean. How exciting to be helping Prosper with his Documentary. He sounds like a very interesting person, great that you have met him.
Take Care
love Auntie Sue
So this is what you've been up to, and why we haven't heard from you in awhile hmmmm. Your looking good and so are your buddies!! I'm glad your having a good time, keep up the good work !!
Luv Mary S.
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