Hi to Everyone!
I wanted to inform you about the new blog address I have added to my list of web links; I have added the link to the PAN AFRICAN CENTER FOR PEACE AND RECONCILIATION. This is an organization that I am working with at the Liberian Refugee Camp here in Ghana and I have undertaken a number of roles with them. One of the most profound activities I perform at Buduburam includes teaching an Adult Literacy group of older men and women. These are refugees who have never learned to read or write until now. Absolutely priceless group of people. I have a blast with them! There's one particular old man in the group who is quite a brilliant learner. I can only imagine what this gentleman could have been had he had the chance to go to school as a child.
But the ultimate role I have on the camp is my work with former Liberian Child Soldiers. I AM SO PUMPED! This is my life's dream, and here I am living it. Now, these are no longer young boys however. They were recruited as Child Soldiers over a decade ago during Liberia's civil war and they are now in their late 20's and early 30's. A very dynamic group of young men and each with their own traumatic stories. The Pan African Center provides counseling, Peace Education and mediation for these young men. They also have their own Agricultural Project going that allows them to grow food for the local community. The farming project is amazing and it's quite an experience to see these young men working the land and cooking meals! I cherish my time with these boys!
And on Saturdays, I work with the SMART KIDS project. These kids fit their title for sure. Brilliant little minds, but once again, they all share traumatic stories. I lead them in creative writing, drama, spelling bees, news broadcasting, music, and a number of other activities. Wonderful group of children! And they all have a passion to learn about Canada!
I would like to share with you a letter from a student of mine from SMART KIDS. I had each child write me a letter explaining their stories and I had them ask me any questions they wanted to know regarding me and my country .
Here's what one young boy wrote to me:
Dear Heather:
By way of introduction I am James S.Momo Jr. I am 11 years of age. I was born in Ivory Coast in the year 1996 August. I am a Liberian. I have been on this settlement for 8 to 9 years,I say 8 to 9 years because May 28, 2008 will make me nine years. I am the Vice President of SMART KIDS. I attend the St. Gregory Catholic School. The school I attend is near my house. I am in the 7th grade class. I am one of the best students in my class. My hobbies are reading and studying. I love to play soccer. I don't like to fail in my lesson. Whenever I fail I begin to cry. The name of my parents are James Momo and Argbah M. Morlu. My father is in Liberia and my mother is in Ghana with me. I have three brothers and two sisters. I want to be a silver engineer. My happiest moment in my life was when I was awarded as the best student in my class. My question I have for you is does Canada have many Liberians? Do people die from hunger as we do in Africa?
Sincerely Yours,
James S. Momo Jr.
I shed a few tears reading all these letters. There are thousands more stories like this on the camp. Sure makes me reflect on how fortunate I am!
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