I hope all is well and you are enjoying the start of October! Time flies here, that’s for certain. I can’t believe I’ve been here for only three weeks – it seems like I have been here forever. I absolutely love it! It’s feeling more and more like home every day!
Last Saturday was an eventful day for me! Kofi and I took a long (and extremely bumpy) tro-tro ride out to a remote village to look at opportunities for building a school. I was in my glory out in the bush. We are talking about the most primitive way of life out there. I was told I am the only white person to visit the village, and my white skin and blond hair scared some of the children away. I did manage to get a few high fives from the little ones however, and that of course made my day. A couple of the villagers even asked if I could take them back to Canada with me!
I am just in awe of these people and how efficiently they use the land to live. Resources we take for granted every day are the staples for sheltering their families. I have posted some pictures of the village for you to enjoy! You will be wondering why there are no people in the photos – I elected not to snap away at the villagers because I did not want to scare the little ones even further. Plus, my camera might have looked too interesting to the village elder and I would have had to bargain to keep it!
I will be posting pictures of Accra in the next week. I know many of you have been asking to see the streets and the markets, so I will be sure to post those! It just takes so long to load pictures here in Ghana, so I have to spread the blogs out!
Take Care
Love Heather