I hope all is well with you on this fine Sunday. I’ve had a very busy morning as I am painting tables for the classroom. You see, Tatiana, the previous volunteer had ordered four tables approximately three months ago, and we had only just got them my first week. But as I have been saying, this is Africa! One minute can take four days. So I have finished painting the red and yellow tables, but I’m thinking I need some blue and green as well. The kids go nuts for color!!
This morning Kofi, the director of the project came to my door and told me that I am a hit in the household for my creative bead work. Apparently, my skill is in demand as everybody wants a bracelet featuring the Ghanaian colors. So I am in the midst of beading bracelets at night. It’s an activity I like to save for those nights when power is off because the candlelight is sufficient enough to work in. He also commented on how well I am doing here! Perhaps it has taken other volunteers a bit longer to adjust to the lifestyle. I have been told I fit in well with the locals!! BONUS!!
I’ve quickly realized that I did not pack near enough clothes for this excursion. Plenty of shirts are a must here as you may be required to change them a couple of times a day because of the heat. But you live and learn!! That just means I will have to use my first class washing machine more often – bucket, soap and hard hands!!
On Friday afternoon after school, Kofi took me to City Phones at a downtown market. I bought a cell phone for 40 cedis ($40.00) and a couple of scratch cards. In Ghana, in order to “phone out”, you require a scratch card which you open and then punch the number into the phone. When those units are finished, you simply buy another scratch card for about 2 cedis. I had a wonderful chat with Mom and Dad last night, so hopefully it continues to work well for me. I need to hear familiar voices, as it can get lonely here on your own.
Anyway, I have buckets of laundry to do and hang out to dry, so I better be on the run! Thank you all for your responses and emails. It certainly helps make the world feel a little bit smaller!
Love Heather
Larry says, he can't believe you are living in such luxury!!!!! Hope all is well.
Hey Heather, Jack sent me your blog,what a brave girl you are and what an awesome experience as well. They are so lucky to have you there. I will certainly keep checking your blog everyday.
I did 5 loads of laundry today, how many buckets did you do?
Anxious to hear how many kids show up for school tomorrow. Love the tables but I agree, need blue and green.
Love Ya :
Hi Heather
I have been trying to send an e.mails to you but they are not working hope this one does. You are a very special girl, and cant get over how well you adapted, in a country that doesnt have much, as far as what we all have here like a washing machine. The children are beautiful, really love your pictures, and your writings, you are very gifted. I hope for you all the best there and hope you dont get too lonely.
With lots of Love
Dutchy and Dianne
Hi, Your adventures are the hilite of my day. Glad you have a phone to keep in touch with the ones you love & miss. I am so proud of you.
Love Mary S.
Hello My Heather!
Are you ready for the lighting bolt? We are thrilled to bits you arrived safely in Ghuana. Mom stopped in and told me how to use the blog. Will blog again! Annie & Bobby.
Whats this, Mom doing 5 loads of laundry....when will it ever end for her...The tables look great!! In the next while see if a web-cam would work there or even if you can find one in a store and then we could msn and see each other. How cool could that be...
Aunty Jack
Hi Heather.
I am just trying to see if I can set this thing up. I don't know if you are going to get this reply or not but here goes.
Hey Heather, all looks great there. Sounds like you are making a change in the kids lives already..WAY TO GOOOOOO!!!!Charlotte
The tables look great! Sorry I didn't get to paint them while I was there and you had to do all the work. You're awesome!
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