Hello everyone!
Well yesterday was a bit of a shock, only having six children, but the attendance record hardly improved today! I had nine children this morning, one of them I had to administer liquid advil to because he had a bad headaque. Poor little guy! So basically I am "teacha Heatha" and nurse combined. I sure hope nothing serious ever happens to these kids, because I'm not a qualified nurse by any means.
Aside from the everyday unexpectancies of school life in Africa, these children are amongst the cutest I have ever had the privledge of working with. They have so little, yet they demand nothing. The kids I work with in Alberta could take some very important lessons away from these children. I know I keep repeating myself, but I feel so fortunate to be a part of these childrens' lives.
I have been lucky today in that I can post pictures! The first two are of the classroom. Not much as you can see, but for many of these kids, it's like a palace. We are painting tables today so the children have a work space to do their work. Next on the list is to fix the leaky roof. Every time it rains in Accra, the roof leaks and the classroom takes days to dry!
The little girl pictured at the top is tiny "Forgive". She is only two years old and the sweetest thing you'll ever see! She is also one of the only children who pays school fees - the $6.00 required for each term. Just think, you can't even buy a burger meal anymore for six dollars, and yet too many families in Africa can't afford the fees to send their children to school! I look at these kids and thank God that I was born in Canada! The little boy at the top is "Stevie" and what a little character. "Obolo" and "Shadrock" (or Prince Mensah as he likes to be called) are pictured together. "Nicholas" is always smiling. And you'll never see him in any thing other than his blue school uniform because it's the only clothes he has for school.
I hope you enjoy the pics! I will post more as I get them!
With All My Love,
Enjoyed the pictures. What adorable children!!!
Oh my god...how dam cute are they...i want the the little guy in the blue on the right...the school is ummm...amazing...i am jealous...when can i come and visit??? great pics...thank you
Aunt J.
Hey cuz, sounds like everything is going good. The kids are so sweet. Glad your having a good time. Shauny says hi!.
I am so proud of you and what your doing over there, not everyone can do it. I look forward every day to see your blog. Take care and hugs and kisses to your children.
Mary S.
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