Thursday, September 20, 2007

Special Kind of Person!

Hello Everyone,
I want to once again thank you all for posting comments on my blog and sending me emails. It can get pretty lonely here, especially when power is out and I’m sitting in the dark! But no big deal, I’ve bought plenty of candles!! But keep those messages coming, because I love them!

The one thing that does help dampen the homesickness is Kofi’s incredible family. I cannot express to you the amount of respect I have for these people. Kofi is a saint. He has spent the last 14 years of his life volunteering with various NGO’s(Non-Governmental Organizations). He teaches, he builds schools and he is a familiar face wherever we go! It takes a special kind of person to expend so much energy on others! I hate to imagine where these children would be without the generosity of Kofi and his family.

Even more amazing is the fact that Kofi is not the healthiest right now. He has painful arthritis in his knee and has suffered a bout of malaria. And yet, each day he marches to the school to be with his students. He is a huge inspiration to me! I just might have to explode the next time I hear anyone complaining about having to drag themselves to work. With any leftover money at the end of my stay here at Idea, I am going to buy Kofi a year’s supply of medication and vitamins.

I have been trying to post a video of the children, but unfortunately it has not yet worked. It may be because there is such limited power in many of the Internet Cafe’s. But I will keep trying because it is so precious!

I plan to travel to some of the remote villages with Kofi as he hopes to establish some schools for the children. I will be sure to collect a few pictures amidst the clouds of dust from the dirt roads. It should be an eye-opening experience, and one I am looking forward to!

Until Next Time,
Take Care

Love Heather


Anonymous said...

Just home from work and the first thing I do everyday is check the old BLOG...if no action than i check in like 2 hours..hee hee...and then so one and so on...I don't like to hear the "lonely" part....I don't want you to be lonely....that will make me have to come visit sooner...haha!!!

It snowed on the Coquihalla this's coming for everyone very soon...SNOW!!!!! Yuck...and for you, is it just getting dustier???

Aunty J.

Tatiana said...

Aww...I miss Kofi! Tell him he's in my thoughts!

I'm trying to get that package together for you/the kids, but it's taking longer than I thought, because of the difficulties of move-in and such. The campus is super busy. Tell the kids I miss and love them!

Lori said...

Hello Heather, finally read your blog for the first time (have been busy teaching...yes, that's right, teaching) and it sounds like you are right at home and enjoying your adventure. Water, electrical, heat, dust, laundry - oh the things we take for granted. Am glad you found a way to talk to your parents.
Keep smiling (and reflecting) Heather as it helps with the loneliness.

Take care,